Christa Cooper

Christa Cooper

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It's National Thesaurus Day! Ten Synonyms to Make You Sound Smart

Nothing Succeeds Like It

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It's National Thesaurus Day, when we're encouraged to expand our vocabulary. It's the 18th because of a guy named Peter Roget.   He was born on this day in 1779, and published the first thesaurus in 1852.

So in honor of it, here are some alternatives to common words that can make you sound smart . . . or better yet, "astute," "brainy," and "wise."

1. Instead of "happy" . . . say "delighted."


2. Instead of "worried" . . . say "agitated."


3. Instead of "begin" . . . say "commence."


4. Instead of "think about" . . . say "contemplate."


5. Instead of "I love you" . . . say "I adore you."


6. Instead of "It's cold out" . . . say "It's frigid."


7. Instead of "wrong" . . . say "erroneous."


8. Instead of "fast" . . . say "expeditiously."


9. Instead of "I'm tired" . . . say "I'm fatigued."


10. Instead of "asking" about something . . . "inquire" about it.


 Source: BestLife

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