This is very interesting, according to Men's Health Magazine...this is how the 'Above Average Guy' spends their weekends. Well, as an 'Above Average Guy'---ahem, cough cough LOL!!....when I see this list I feel like I'm looking at my weekend agenda(with some exceptions)for virtually every weekend from the time I graduated from college when I was 23 years old!!
- 51% of men say they live for their Saturday and Sunday
- 38% still log laptop time for work during those precious weekends
- 25% of men plan out their weekends a week in advance
- 53% of men like to sleep in on Saturdays
- 85% of men's internal alarm clock still wakes them up at their typical work day time
- 50% of men have spent a whole Saturday watching a movie marathon
- 214 minutes of TV time is what the average guy logs on a typical weekend day
- 38% of men lied about what they did over the weekend
- 59% of men use weekends to work on household projects
- 47% of men love weekend chores, even though they complain about them
- 23% of men say they have sex every weekend night
- 56% of men say they are more likely to try new sex positions when work is not looming
- 70 calories are the extra amount consumed on an average weekend day
- 4 ounces is the amount of weight people gain between Friday night and Monday morning
- 33% of men throw back five or more drinks on a typical weekend night
- 19% more cash is spend during their weekend outings than on weekdays
- 39% of men regain their footing by frequently attending weekend religious services
- 44% of men say Sunday afternoons tend to bum them out
Source: Men's Health Magazine