The Most Pumpkin Spice Obsessed States

It makes sense that cold-weather states dominate this list, and a lot of warmer states are at the bottom. Because who's craving a Pumpkin Spice Latte when it's 85 degrees outside? (well, maybe me!)

Someone looked at Google Trends stats from the past year to find out which states love pumpkin spice the most.

They looked at searches for pumpkin spice products, recipes, and news stories.

And the place where pumpkin spice is the most popular is West Virginia. People in Mississippi are the least likely to care.

The ten states that love pumpkin spice the most are: West Virginia . . . New Hampshire . . . Vermont . . . Nebraska . . . Montana . . . Washington . . . Maine . . . Delaware . . . Oregon . . . and Wisconsin.

The least-obsessed states are: Mississippi . . . Louisiana . . . Georgia . . . Alabama . . . South Carolina . . . Hawaii . . . Arkansas . . . Texas . . . New York . . . and Nevada. 


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