Kolby Cooper has all the makings of a REAL country star! His writing style is reminiscent of that touch of home you get with a Luke Combs. Fall is a gorgeous song from the heart. It can be intimidating to listen to because of how deep it hits, but Kolby opens himself up to his fans, I suggest you welcome him in!
Parmalee is back! After being off country radio for what felt like a decade, Parmalee has bounced back with a fun jumping jam collab with a former #1 spot holder in Blanco Brown! This is a high energy love song about loving someone just the way they are. I enjoy Blanco's vocals, having seen him in concert before, hes got a beautiful voice that contributes perfectly to this track!
ok lets have some fun! This WILD music video and comedic take on the genre and every now and then, these songs just hit the spot! Tim Hicks has an absolute blast tearing up this track, and the music video alone is packed full of comedy. Let lose an enjoy a throw back to a time when we had fun with music!