What a blast! It was fun getting the chance to hang out with Sam Grow on his bus before his show at the Queen in Wilmington, Delaware. You know me, I love trying new things and this is one I never really tried ... the guitar! You see, my mom and stepdad are musicians, so you would think at some point in my life I would have given it a try but nope! This was a big step and a let me just tell you ... a hard thing to learn! I think that is why Sam started with just 3 chords, which I am not sure I even remember today. I'll have to give it another try some day :)
Awesome experience and I appreciate Sam and his team so much for allowing me to come hang out and have some fun! Sam puts on quite the show, so keep an eye on his tour schedule and grab tickets to an upcoming show when he is near you! Find him on social @samgrowmusic (with the blue check mark).
Thanks again, Sam!
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