6th annual atTAcK addiction 5K

The atTAcK addiction E-Racing the Stigma 5K is so much more than just a race; it’s a movement. Comprised primarily of participants who have been personally impacted by the disease of addiction by either overcoming an addiction, having lost a loved one to addiction, and/or currently living with an addicted loved one, it has been described as a spiritual experience. The crisp March air is no match for the warm feelings of love, camaraderie, and acceptance the participants experience as the course winds them through picturesque Old New Castle and through beautiful Battery Park along the Delaware River.

Proceeds from the event will benefit atTAcK addiction, a grassroots 501(c)(3) charitable foundation established to assist individuals and families impacted by addiction. The organization provides support for recovering addicts and their loved ones, advocates for policy changes, educates families about opiate addiction and treatment options, works to prevent drug use, and strives to end the stigma of the disease.

For more information, click here!

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