Hurricane Harvey dumped about 20 TRILLION gallons of water on east Texas this week. We've seen some pretty amazing stories about people pitching in to help. Here are five more to end the week . . .
1. An older couple in Houston was trapped in their house. So they called Chick-fil-A Monday morning, and asked for two breakfast burritos and a BOAT. The restaurant was closed because of the flood. But the manager was there checking on the place . . . and ended up getting them rescued on a jet ski. (Here they are reuniting the next day.)
2. Seven employees at a Mexican bakery in Houston were trapped at work for two days this week. And they knew people would need food, so they baked THOUSANDS of loaves of bread, and handed them out to shelters around the city.
3. The manager of a Pizza Hut in Sugar Land, Texas found out people were running out of food. So she and her employees used kayaks to deliver over 120 FREE PIZZAS. And she says they'll keep doing it until their store runs out of supplies.
4. A 23-year-old guy near Beaumont, Texas found out it might be several days before his family and neighbors got airlifted out by helicopter. So he and his uncle went around with a boat and rescued about 50 people, including several babies.
5. And a lot of livestock have been stranded. So a group near Houston has been going around rescuing animals on horseback. There's a Facebook video where they find a horse stuck in its pen in about 5 feet of water and get it out.