10 Secrets of Great Moms

I found this interesting list of 10 secrets of great moms from Redbook magazine. Who knew?

Gather Helping Hands. Enlist everyone you can to help you. Just because you're a mother, that doesn't mean you have to be Wonder Woman.

Help Homework Happen. As soon as your kids get home from school, set them up for homework time, with each child at his or her own station in the kitchen so that they don't mix up their papers. Then find something to do in the vicinity so that you're nearby for help if they need it, but not hovering over them.

Put Nightmares to Bed. When your child has nightmares, here's how to ward off 'monsters': Use a battery-operated handheld fan to chase them away, and fill a spray bottle with 'Go-Away Monster Spray.' Then lie in bed with your child and ask him what he'd like to dream about, suggesting pleasant things like sharing an ice cream cone or building a sand castle on the beach.

Win the Sweets War. Serve your kids whatever you plan to feed them for dinner, including a small portion of dessert, all together on those plastic sectioned character plates (Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob are their favorites). Each area has chicken, rice, salad, and a Popsicle, or something similar. I don't bug them to eat the veggies before the treat, so even if they have dessert first, it's small enough that they don't fill up -- therefore they always move on to eat a nice amount of dinner. It works like a charm.

Get Feelings Out There, Good and Bad. When there is a cranky child on your hands, swoop them into your lap and say, It's time to complain, so let's complain together. Oh, I feel so angry, or hurt, or sad,' hugging her the whole time and letting her be cranky. After a while, she felt soothed and ready to move on. Also, she learned to put words to her feelings.

Banish Boo-Boo Fears. If the sight of blood terrifies your child, use dark washcloths to clean up cuts and scrapes. Better yet, try storing the cloths in plastic bags in the freezer -- the coldness will help with pain relief.

Make Bath Time a Treat. When your kids are babies and it comes time to bathe them, drop the bottles of soap and lotion into the warm bathwater. That way, when you lather them up, they'll feel nice and warm and won't get a chill.

Prioritize Family Dinner. If you're having a tough time with your kids being rebellious, start enforcing family dinner with no TV, no phones, and no guests -- just your family. Talk about school, homework, and other concerns the kids might have, and sharing these nightly times together should really improve your kids behavior.

Sleep Easy. Put the baby bassinet in the living room during the day, especially if you have other children. Your baby will become accustomed to the noises, and then she'll be able to take a nap anywhere!

Teach the Value of Friendship. When your child is down in the dumps because a child at school doesn't like her/him, Ask them about another kid who you've noticed that's been treated poorly. Tell them maybe they could be friends. Tell her a good friend is more valuable than any amount of popularity.

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