Benny's Picks: December 11th 2019

Alex Hall struck a cord with me (pun heavily intended) with Half Past You. I'm a sucker for upbeat songs about break ups. Half Past You is a great song that perfectly nails down the struggle to get over an ex. Fun note about this Georgia native, he's a big Elvis fan. At 14 he learned every Elvis song he could play. I can't help, knowing that, hearing an Elvis influence in his music!

OKC native Holly Beth rocks this break up single so hard! Holly sets herself apart from the rest with her powerful voice and firey edge! 100 Proof was her first single, conveniently she dropped another song, Torn in August and looks to be making some moves to take that next step in 2020!

Look out for this Texas country sensation! Troy Cartwright has all the tools to be a star one day! The guy you go to see headlining a big show in Baltimore. My First Beer hits that perfect country hit mold well. I especially love the chorus, you can't help but envision a sea of people singing that right back to Troy.

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