The problems began last summer, when Chevy Chase Village, Maryland, decided to convert a muddy triangle of land into a $134,000 dog park, The Washington Post reports. Within a month, police were fielding complaints about noisy dogs, eventually forcing village officials to weight in. The head of the Village Board, Elissa Leonard, who also happens to be the wife of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, began to feel the heat from a small but vocal group of neighbors over the barking canines, and imposed new rules. Park opening was moved to 8 a.m., the dog park was removed from the village website to deter outside visitors, and an expert was brought in to study dog and human behavior in the park. Unfortunately, the new rules have not helped, and rumors of impending lawsuits have pitted pro dog park neighbors against their anti-dog-noise neighbors. The only participants not caught up in the drama are the dogs.
Barking dogs at Chevy Chase dog park divide rich and powerful - The Washington Post