What are you biggest complaints about your co-workers??? What really pushes your buttons?? Well, Harris Interactive conducted a survey for Randstad to find out what peoples Top 7 Pet Peeves were for their workplace colleagues...and here they are!!!
- Gossip (60%)
- Others' poor time management skills, including personal phone calls made at work and surfing the Internet (54%)
- Messiness in communal spaces, such as unwashed dishes in the kitchen sinks (45%)
- Potent scents, such as perfume, food and smoke (42%)
- Loud noises, such as speaker phones, loud talking and loud phone ring tones (41%)
- Overuse of electronic personal communications devices in meetings (28%)
- Misuse of e-mail, especially hitting "reply all" when it's not needed or using the blind carbon copy feature (22%)
Only 34% said they would be willing to say something directly to the gossipy person, compared with 42% who would say something about loud noises or the 38% who would directly address a problem of messiness in communal spaces. In addition, just 8% said they would address a gossip problem directly with their boss, while 41% said they would do nothing about such idle chatter. For more information on this topic, click on my link below!
Source: Business Wire