When you host Christmas dinner, even if everyone brings something, you're still going to wind up on the hook for buying a LOT of food. So, is this move TACKY . . . or genius?
A woman in England posted on a parents' website a few days ago about her mother-in-law CHARGING for Christmas dinner this year. She wants about $21 per person from EVERYONE.
Oh . . . and it's not because she feels like she should be paid for the cooking. She's charging because she's getting carry-out which is more expensive.
So . . . is that fair? Or is it ridiculous? The responses to the woman's post are split right down the middle . . . and both sides are very passionate.
But one person DID take a fairly level-headed middle ground approach that's worth sharing. Quote, "People who see it as charging family are horrified, people who see it as sharing costs don't see the issue."