Kid Uses Lemonade Stand To Help Single Moms

An 11-year-old boy in Virginia is showing you’re never too young to make a difference and help others. Cartier Carey wanted to find a way to ease the strain that the pandemic has put on people, so he got to work to find a way to do it.

Earlier this year, he started creating care packages called “Carti Packs” that he filled with deodorant, soap, and supplies and gave to the homeless. And then he says he “wanted to help mothers who were struggling,” so he set up a lemonade stand and uses all the profits to buy diapers and wipes for single moms in need. And business was booming - in just three days, he made close to $3-thousand!

The young entrepreneur says knowing he’s making a difference encourages him to keep working in the community. “It makes me feel happy that I’m actually helping people,” Cartier says.

Source: NBC-2

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