Grandma, 97, Finally Goes to Prom

A woman in Warwick, Rhode Island named Julie Huddon has been helping her 97-year-old grandma Helen cross things off her bucket list. And one of the things she'd always wanted to do was go to PROM.

She didn't go to her own senior prom because it was the Depression, and her parents couldn't afford a dress.

So a few months ago, Julie asked the principal of a nearby high school if Helen could go to THEIR prom. Andtheyloved the idea.

They said Julie could also go as her date. So she recently surprised Helen with a promposal . . . bought her a dress . . . and even got her a tiara to wear with it.

Before the big day last Friday, Helen joked that she wanted to do the "Hully Gully" . . . a dance from the sixties. So they cued up some music for her . . . let her cut loose . . . and also named her honorary prom queen. 

It's not clear what's next on her list. But Helen got to cross off another big one this past December . . . when Julie took her to sit on SANTA'S LAP for the first time.  

Source: (WJAR/CNN)

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